Day 50 - Crossing Into Kentucy (July 21st, 2024)

City To City: Cave In Village - Sebree
Miles: 55
Miles Total: 3,322
Flats: 10

One The Ferry

The Youth Group

Henry's Room

Ice Cream

    We slept in some and woke up anticipating crossing the ferry.  We got a slow start but weren't hustling because we had a shorter and easier ride than the average day.  We got to the ferry just in time.  All the cars were unloading, and soon, we rolled onto it.  The employees didn't charge us, and we made it to Kentucky shores.
    We looked for dogs all along the road, but we didn't see any for the whole day. We stopped for lunch, filled our water bottles at a restaurant, and got a scoop of ice cream to share.
We made it early to the church where we were staying for the night, but it worked in our favor because I was able to blog, and we were able to have an early dinner because the youth group was going to in the same room we were.  The basement had a kitchen and living area, with tables, a ping-pong table, and a pool table.
    After dinner, my dad and Henry went to Bible study while I went to the youth group. The youth group was so funny. The kids and the youth pastor kept going down rabbit trails and making fun of each other. We would be talking about who baptized Jesus, and somehow, we got to opinionating about which was the correct way to sneeze. Eventually, we got through it, and there was a little hangout time before the kids went back to their houses.
    We didn't stay up late, and each had a room.


  1. Thats so fun that you did stuff with the church!

  2. That youth group sounds like a blast haha


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