Day 46 & 47 - A Wonderful Visit With Family (July 17th & 18th, 2024)

Henry On The High Banks Of The Creek

My Younger Brothers Having A Blast

Resting In The Shade

Our time with our family was wonderful. We shared stories of our trip, and they asked questions and made fun of us. Apparently, my dad had lost his towel, so when my mom asked him if he wanted to upgrade from a washcloth-sized towel to a handtowel-sized towel, my dad sheepishly admitted, "Well, I don't really have a choice. I lost mine a week ago."
We laughed and asked how he got dried, and my dad said, "I kind of, you know, air dry." My Grandma was in the room, and once she heard, she disapprovingly shook her head while laughing.  
On the first day of visiting, it rained almost all morning, so we walked together on the road in the afternoon.  My Grandma helped me and pointed out some helpful tips for my blog, but I could only get one post out because there wasn't a good phone service, and the wifi didn't work.  There were different routers around the house, but none worked, and the homeowners left the useless ones around the house.

The next day, we went for a hike, and my younger brothers loved playing in the creek and jumping from rock to rock. Supposedly, there was a resort a very long time ago, and all that was left were stone steps and pillars.  One of my younger brothers and I were curious about where some stone steps led on the other side of the creek, so we hopped across and went up, but it turns out it was just the stone steps.  Some of us went on the loop, and once we got back, we told the others who wanted to do it.  It was only a short loop, but it was thirty minutes before they returned.  Well, they had gotten lost, and my youngest brother kept saying they were going the wrong way, and finally, they listened to him, turned around, and came back.
We had late lunch, but no one cared, and the afternoon was chill.  We ate another good dinner, packed up all our biking gear, then watched The Man From Snowy River.  Then we went to sleep because we needed to get on the road early.


  1. I'm so glad you guys were able to see family! We miss you guys!!

  2. Ha ha, that story of the towel cracked me up. You guys are amazing. You're doing so well!

  3. I love that your little brother was right 😁


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