Day 42 - Crossing Into Missouri (July 13th, 2024)

City To City: Heplier - Walnut Grove
Miles: 106
Miles Total: 2,855
Flats: 10

Eating Mouth-Watering Donuts

Into Missouri (The Two Of Us)

The Winery's Yard

The Hillbilly Shower

In the morning, we had banana pancakes and scrambled eggs.  It was delicious!  Mid-breakfast, it started to rain, but we didn't notice, so our leather saddles got wet, which isn't good for the leather.  As usual, Matt and Mark didn't know where they were going for the day but said that they, again, probably wouldn't be going as far as us.  But since we knew we were definitely going ninety-eight miles, we needed to be on the road early.
When we reached the first town for the day, we stopped at a gas station and filled up our water bottles. In the next lot was a food truck that had freshly made donuts. The second we took a bite of the warm, glazed donut, it melted in our mouths. My dad groaned because of how delicious the donuts tasted.  We waited for Matt and Mark to show up because we had left the map we needed for the day. Also, the donut truck closed soon, so we needed to get the donuts for them right before the truck closed.
So, we waited and eventually ate the donuts ourselves, but then we saw Matt and Mark way down the street, so we jumped back into the line and got more donuts for them!  Henry then rode his bike over there, gave the donuts, and received the map while my dad and I slowly continued on the route.
Well, Henry was going so fast, trying to catch up with us, that he missed a turn and ended up going a couple of miles before realizing something wasn't right, so he turned around.  All the while, my dad was frantically trying to reach Henry over the phone, but since Henry's phone was in a bag, Henry had never heard it.  He eventually caught up with us, but my dad and I had already passed into Missouri, so Henry wasn't in the state picture.
We ate lunch, and then Matt and Mark said we were going to Walnut Grove, eight miles from where we would stay. They said that there was a bathroom, shower, and water there, which sold us, so we decided to go an extra eight miles. Plus, we wanted to spend as much time with Mark and Matt as possible before we stopped for two days while they continued.
With about six miles left, my dad's tire got flat. We had pumped the tire up twice and hoped it would last until we got there, but then it got really flat, and there was no way to pump it up.
So, I got the tire off and inspected every millimeter of that tire with tweezers in hand.  I got about ten tiny things that were hard to see and deeply embedded in the tire.  After checking it over about ten times, I was satisfied that I had gotten everything out and replaced the tube.  Henry, who had gone grocery shopping, caught up with us, and we arrived at our destination together.  The guys took an outdoor shower next to cars and propane tanks.  And Matt and Mark showed up later.
I was kinda grumpy that evening and snapped at Henry for being quiet and how sometimes I wanted to talk to girls since I was the only girl on the trip, so I called my mom and ended up talking to all my siblings at home and my mom.  After I had hung up after an hour of talking, I walked over, and Matt gave me a hard time for talking so long and asked, "Finally done with your girl talk?"  And in my head, I was thinking, "Wait, how did he know?!"  Well, my dad and Henry told Matt and Mark about it, and who knows what else!
But then I ate a late dinner since the others had already eaten, and we all settled for bed.


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