Day 41 - A Church With Fully Stocked Food (July 12th, 2024)

City To City: Eureka - Heplier
Miles: 94
Miles Total: 2,749
Flats: 9

Mark's Makeshift Camera Stand

Henry Ignoring The Cat

Mark Petting The Cat

We got another early start.  After thirty miles passed like a breeze, we stopped for a snack, and another cat visited us.  The cat wasn't shy around us, and once Matt and Mark got up with us, they went to visit.
Mark and Matt got out their snacks, and of course, the cat wanted some, but Mark said to it, "I like you, but not that much!"
The cat wandered away, and a man across the street came out and gave us some cold bottled water.  Then, we mounted our bikes and headed off.  We got sixty miles in before having lunch at a gas station.  
"We didn't think we'd catch up with you," Mark said.  
My dad points at me, "She eats slow, that's why!"
"Well, thank you! Because we wouldn't have been able to catch you."
Mark then asked us if we wanted a cold drink. I, misunderstanding, said, "The gas station will let you fill up with ice and cold water."
"I'm not talking about water! I'm talking about cold beverages!  And not alcohol either!" Mark exclaimed.
"I'll take a margarita," I teased.
We all said what we wanted, and when I asked for a Propel made by Gatorade, Mark joked, "What is Propel?  Is that the Chinese word for margarita?!"
On the ride's second half, we saw dry grass gently swirling in circles, rising higher each time.  The wind was blowing in circles in a small, harmless tornado!  As we went through it, we felt the wind change patterns.
We headed on the road and arrived early at the church, but those last miles were hard and didn't pass like a breeze. They loomed in our faces.
Mark set up his trademark outdoor shower where he puts a nozzle on a hose and sticks the hose in the tree.  But I decided to do a body wipedown instead.  Being the only girl in the group, I had the entire girl's bathroom to myself!
We had snacks and lemonade at the church before my dad, Matt, and Mark made dinner while I was blogging.
We ate all the two pounds of pasta, two jars of sauce, and two loaves of toasted bread with melted cheese.  Matt had debated on making a second loaf and almost decided not to, but lucky for us because we ate every last morsel.
One of the women on the board, Lisa, later came by and chatted with us. She told us Philip, the eighteen-year-old guy we had met, had come to this church. Philip was so excited about seeing a tornado that he was almost sure he would see one while going through Kanas. However, Lisa told him they only got one or two a year.
We asked about the garden outside, and Lisa said it was a community garden, and everyone took a share in maintaining it. The night before, they weren't supposed to get rain, and it was supposed to rain in Eureka, but they prayed hard and ended up getting rain.  They hadn't gotten rain recently, and since they were rain-dependent on their crops, they needed rain badly.
Soon, we went to bed, a room for five of us each!


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